When does a Goroutine terminate?


If we have a main goroutine(M), a setup goroutine(S), and a work goroutine(W). First, we boot the program with the M never terminated. Then we boot the S within which we start the W. The question is S is alike a parent of W, if S is terminated, will W be terminated?

type Bar struct {}

func (b *Bar) doing() {
    for {
        fmt.Println("I'm working...")
        time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)

type Foo struct {
    Bars     map[*Bar]bool
    Register chan *Bar

func (f *Foo) run() {
    timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 30)
    for {
        select {
        case bar := <-f.Register:
            f.Bars[bar] = true
        case <-timer.C:

func main() {
    f := Foo{
        Bars:     make(map[*Bar]bool),
        Register: make(chan *Bar),

    go func() { // Goroutine: S
        defer fmt.Println("I'm done")
        time.Sleep(time.Second) // ensure f is running
        b := &Bar{}
        f.Register <- b
        go b.doing() // Goroutine: W

    f.run() // GoRoutine: main

Wrap Up

Actually, W will keep running until it returns or the whole program is finished. Every goroutine is equivalent, it is not a tree model like Linux process. If the parent is terminated, the child will not necessarily be terminated. We need to carefully manage the goroutines we created, cause somtimes they will keep running at the back.


  1. The Linux Process Model
  2. The Go Memory Model