【Hard】1157. Online Majority Element In Subarray

1157. Online Majority Element In Subarray


  1. 2 * threshold > right - left + 1 means the query is the mode of the sub array, and it must occur threshold time or more.
  2. In terms of sub array query, it’s easy for us to recall segment tree, which is the perfect structure to do update or query on sub arrays.
  3. How to determine the mode for each sub array? Moore vote would be useful, for each node in segment tree, we record the mode x and vote c, during the tree build process, the parent node’s mode and vote can be calculated based on the children node, the time complexity is O(n).
  4. Through segment tree, we can identify each sub array’s mode, but how to calculate the occurrence times? We can use a hashmap to record every number’s index in an array, since this array’s order is ascended, we can use lower_bound and upper_bound to search indices occurring between [l, r].


type MajorityChecker struct {
	root seg
	cnt  map[int][]int

func Constructor(arr []int) MajorityChecker {
	root := newSegmentTree(arr)
	cnt := make(map[int][]int)
	for i, x := range arr {
		cnt[x] = append(cnt[x], i)

	return MajorityChecker{
		root: root,
		cnt:  cnt,

func (this *MajorityChecker) Query(left int, right int, threshold int) (tot int) {
	tot = -1
	m := this.root.query(1, left + 1, right + 1)
	l := sort.Search(len(this.cnt[m.x]), func(i int) bool {
		return this.cnt[m.x][i] >= left
	r := sort.Search(len(this.cnt[m.x]), func(i int) bool {
		return this.cnt[m.x][i] > right
	}) - 1
	//defer func() {
	//	fmt.Println(tot, m.x, this.cnt[m.x], l, r)

	if r-l+1 >= threshold {
		tot = m.x

type pair struct {
	x, c int

// l 和 r 也可以写到方法参数上,实测二者在执行效率上无异
// 考虑到 debug 和 bug free 上的优点,写到结构体参数中
type seg []struct {
	l, r int
	mode pair

// 单点更新:build 和 update 通用
func (t seg) set(o, val int) {
	t[o].mode = pair{val, 1}

// 合并两个节点上的数据:maintain 和 query 通用
// 要求操作满足区间可加性
// 例如 + * | & ^ min max gcd mulMatrix 摩尔投票 最大子段和 ...
func (seg) op(a, b pair) pair {
	if a.x == b.x {
		return pair{a.x, a.c + b.c}

	if a.c > b.c {
		return pair{a.x, a.c - b.c}
	return pair{b.x, b.c - a.c}

func (t seg) maintain(o int) {
	lo, ro := t[o<<1], t[o<<1|1]
	t[o].mode = t.op(lo.mode, ro.mode)

func (t seg) build(a []int, o, l, r int) {
	t[o].l, t[o].r = l, r
	if l == r {
		t.set(o, a[l-1])
	m := (l + r) >> 1
	t.build(a, o<<1, l, m)
	t.build(a, o<<1|1, m+1, r)

// o=1  1<=i<=n
func (t seg) update(o, i, val int) {
	if t[o].l == t[o].r {
		t.set(o, val)
	m := (t[o].l + t[o].r) >> 1
	if i <= m {
		t.update(o<<1, i, val)
	} else {
		t.update(o<<1|1, i, val)

// o=1  [l,r] 1<=l<=r<=n
func (t seg) query(o, l, r int) pair {
	if l <= t[o].l && t[o].r <= r {
		return t[o].mode
	m := (t[o].l + t[o].r) >> 1
	if r <= m {
		return t.query(o<<1, l, r)
	if m < l {
		return t.query(o<<1|1, l, r)
	vl := t.query(o<<1, l, r)
	vr := t.query(o<<1|1, l, r)
	return t.op(vl, vr)

func (t seg) queryAll() int { return t[1].mode.x }

// a 不能为空
func newSegmentTree(a []int) seg {
	t := make(seg, 4*len(a))
	t.build(a, 1, 1, len(a))
	return t


  1. Segment tree template
  2. 169. Majority Element